Pork Chop with Cognac Sage Cream Sauce and Apple Gorgonzola Slaw

A little Saturday night pork chop here.  I like a rib chop, myself.  There's a little more marbling and I like to cook it bone in as I think it adds a little extra flavor.  It's not as important in this application, as a good cream sauce will pretty much take care of anything.  

Chris and I are unexpectedly flying solo tonight.  The kids have their own social engagements so it's dinner for two tonight.

2 Pork Rib Chops, thick cut, about 3/4 lb each
1/4 Cup cognac
1/2 Cup heavy cream
12-18 or so Fresh Sage leaves
kosher salt and freshly ground pepper

Salt and pepper the pork chops.  Heat a heavy skillet over medium heat.  Add a couple of tablespoons of grape seed oil.  Fry the pork chops to about medium, 5-6 minutes per side.  
Remove the pork chops to a heated plate to let rest and keep warm.  
Add the sage leaves to the skillet and fry for about 30-45 seconds.  Deglaze the skillet with the cognac.  Being very careful, ignite the cognac and let the alcohol burn off.  Then add the cream and bring to a boil and let boil until thickened slightly.  Add in any juices that have collected from the pork chops.  Adjust seasoning, adding salt and pepper to taste.  

For the apple gorgonzola slaw:
1/2 Small Fuji apple, julienned
2 Tbsp shelled chopped pistachios
1/4 Cup crumbled gorgonzola cheese
Freshly ground black pepper
Dressing, made of 1 part champagne vinegar, 1 part honey, 2 parts grape seed oil
Toss apples and pistachios with just enough of the dressing to lightly coat.  Then add the gorgonzola and pepper stir gently to combine.
That's one good pork chop!  Plenty of leftovers for a lucky dog.


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