Crispy Halibut

So, how about some halibut?  It's been a while and I purchased my filet on a whim.  Now, it's meal time and I have no plan.  So, I do my go-to thing, and marinate it in some light soy sauce, rice wine, sesame oil, sugar, scallions, ginger and a little white pepper.  Remove the skin from the filet and cut into smaller sections before placing in marinade.  Cover, refrigerate for about half an hour or so.  Remove from marinade, shake off excess liquid and dredge in flour.  Reserve marinade.  In heavy cast iron pan, heat a little grape seed oil over medium heat.  Fry halibut until golden on both sides.  Meanwhile, remove ginger and scallions from the marinade.  in a small sauce pan, fry the ginger and scallion until fragrant.  Add in the marinade plus 1/4 cup of water.  Simmer for a few minutes, strain the sauce to remove the ginger and scallions.  Return to pan and bring to a boil and then thicken with a corn starch and water mixture.  Serve with sauce ladled over halibut and a some fresh thinly slice scallions to garnish.  Not bad for a go to meal.  Nothing fancy, but a good solid piece of fish.


  1. gorgeous! i also love your presentation with the rice. your plates always look beautiful on top of appetizing. xo


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